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Honor | LTECH Won China TOP 10 Intelligent Lighting Brand Awards in Three Consecutive Years

Dec 12, 2020

On December 10, China Intelligent Building Brand Awards Presentation Ceremony 2020 was held In Dongfang Hotel, Guangzhou. Dozens of experts and leaders in the field of intelligent buildings and more than 200 senior executives of intelligent brands attended to witness the unveiling of this glorious moment!

On December 10, China Intelligent Building Brand Awards Presentation Ceremony 2020 was held In Dongfang Hotel, Guangzhou. Dozens of experts and leaders in the field of intelligent buildings and more than 200 senior executives of intelligent brands attended to witness the unveiling of this glorious moment!

2020 is a pretty special year for all of enterprises. Receiving this award again proves powerful LTECH brand and technical strengths in the field of lighting, as well as earning a good reputation in the minds of consumers. Behind the award, it is the professionalism and persistence of all LTECH staff that present. Since the establishment, LTECH has not only accumulated rich industry experience, mature technology and solutions, but also paid close attention to the extensive development trends. Taking customers' interests as the starting point, LTECH has relentlessly pursues scientific and technological innovation.

Lighting has the capability to transform and improve the spaces where we live and work. In the future, LTECH will continuously seek new and innovative lighting technologies for customers.